Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Dear Machoo-

I felt bad for you because no one has asked you any questions. You have so much knowledge to bequeath us with I'm sure! I just don't know what to ask you. I don't have a child with a gas issue. I don't even think I have any problems that would probably match that. But I love your head and every blonde hair that sticks out of it! I know I would love it if you wrote about funny things that happen to you and the humorous weird side of your crazy world! I'm sure everyone else feels the same. We love your head MACHOO! We want inside!


Dear Beloved,

Thank you for your words of encouragement. Though, I'm not sure you know what you are asking. My head, you see, is dangerous. Walking through my head is like Toon Town in "Who Framed Rodger Rabbit". It is indeed a wild place to navigate. I suppose you are right though. I shall continue on....just don't say I didn't warn you!

P.S: I bet you'd make a great wife!


Peeps said...

Ssooo. Anyway. Ok.. I got stoned... and then this was the result.

Yawn too stimulated.

Matt Mewhorter said...

Dear Peeps,

I am delighted that your unfortunate encounter with narcotics has led you to my site.
